Year: 2013

Director: Matt Parker

Brief: Composition and Video

A Dystopian Future…

Jagodna was once heavily populated and stimulated the economic area of Upper Silesia for many decades with a rich industry of forestry and mining.

Since the collapse of the ozone and inverted effects of ‘global warming’, the place has become desolated, permanently frozen with little sign of life other than the trails from tyre tracks heading away from the bitter, frozen conditions that made it unbearable to work under. Many of the workers have now fled to areas in the former Soviet Union such as Siberia, where the forest industry still pervades and the temperatures are a little more tolerable.

All that remains are the turrets, fences and a crazed dog. Tracks are frozen into the ground; it’s too cold to snow here, so the ground is preserved almost perfectly.

The wind is bitter and ferocious though, cutting through even the most ‘high tech’ of extreme cold protective apparel. And the sound of the wind… it’s like nothing you’ve experienced, piercing through the trees like a demonic aeolian harp, convolving with the undulations of the terrain, piercing through your sensory perception.